Train Valley 2 Passenger Flow is all about the addition of passenger trains. Instead of focusing on delivering goods between stations and factories, Passenger Flow adds a mechanic where you are have to transport passengers from one station to another. At the beginning of each level you are tasked with delivering a certain number of passengers between specified stations. Each of the stations in this new mechanic feature a colored letter. Based on a timer passengers will arrive at one of the stations with a destination station. You have to guide these passengers to their destination station without crashing into another train. Passengers will show up at regular intervals or you can press a button to have the next passengers arrive immediately. You can get the passengers to their destinations in any order as there is no time limit to deliver a train to its destination.
The first couple of missions in Train Valley 2 Passenger Flow focus on this new mechanic. The game then starts to mix in the main mechanics from Train Valley 2. In addition to handling passenger trains, you need to dispatch trains to create goods like in the main game. While I liked the passenger mechanics, on their own the levels can be pretty easy as you can deal with the trains quicker than the passengers show up. These missions are mostly used to introduce the new mechanics, but the only real challenge is whether you can five star the missions which is not even that difficult. Once you add in the mechanics from Train Valley 2 though the DLC really starts to shine.
Train Valley 2 Passenger Flow DLC
The good old gameplay of the original Train Valley comes to the modern rails of Train Valley 2 in the Passenger Flow DLC. Overcome the tension of passenger traffic by building efficient railroads and delivering trains as quickly as possible. All aboard!
Drive the Industrial Revolution with Tycoon Train Puzzle Game: Train Valley 2 Passenger Flow For PC! Build efficient railways, upgrade engines, and get all trains on track to meet the growing demand of small valley cities and industries. Choo Choo!
A large train puzzle game is called Train Valley 2 Free Download. Meet the demands of the city and valley industries by leading your railway company from the era of the Industrial Revolution into the future. Build railroads, modernize locomotives, and run trains on time with no delays or mishaps. The train departs the station with everyone aboard!
K 4 THE WOULD; FIUPAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, l6'J2.HHBB J ttlllitiea tv tot Jlfi J uoUMing Comvanv.B,'1 11 10 CJ Pa How. Nkw Yobs.K FRIDAY EVENING, DEC, 2.Wt 60BSCBIPTI0NS TO THE EVENING WORLDEt (Jnclvatng Postage):Hr FKR MONTH 80c.Hfi FEU YKAlt a-sopK' Vol. 83 No. 1J.427hjhhi'H, Snttrrt at lb. Foet-Ofno i!K York u eecond.H'.' el1" "'R. ------Hb-B, tvBRAnon offices iHE, WORLD UPTOWH OFFICE-1587 nsoASWlT,HjOi bttwHn Slat and 83d eta.. New York.HE'i WOULD UARLEM 0mCL-13f)ia Bl. aiojH? Macho ArcHE' BROOKLYN-SOS Vf aihiuqtok St.HmIv FU1LADELPUIA. Pi.-LiDatn Bcitcixa, 113HJP ItcclllOlBST. WABUIMJTOM-OlOliTHSr,BHV? TBB WORLD Witt not, under ant etrcum-Horn, field ffMlrWotulWe or lh returnR triale-Xeeptng of any rejectett manutcrlpiHe c i-picture, ato7iafoerrr character or value.Ht Joraceptfont trill b mads fotMi nitftcfnK, rtaartl to either letter or inclosttre. A orBy vlrt trie tatter enter tnto con espondence ion.RB ttrntngvnatatlabti manuscript.K Tba Evening World Print Aeso-K'; elated Prest, News.k1 To-day it i true, Jat Gooxd is dead.K Success to the Greater New York pro-i' Jeet!Hk The millionaire's lot li Ibo common lotBl'l Violet at $1 a bunch are not onlyfy, iweet, but dear.HK Now it U M. 1! ribbon who has Riven upHJ the French conundrum.K In the matter of granting city franchisesKfc it is undoubtedly better that nothingHW should be done hastily.H??.aV'Hku' Think of how many Christmas stock.Efi inss those Evening 'Would ChristmasWfpi trees must tak (he place.Hfo Got. Flowsb must be unitedly sup-F( ported by legislators and people in his- effort to sswe the North Woods.Hli? To save the North Woods is to nave IheBk Hudson River, which is to save some.K thing of incaleulablo value to the State.Htft That it may be ruined by too close aK,? competition seems to bo the only porilHf& overhanging the highwaymen's businessHL.V in Chicago.m;-:tNcw York needs just what PresidentWilson, of the Health Hoard, says itHjiSfc, shall have the best receiving hospital inJr the world.sWL'1HJ?, If the threatened boom in transatlanticHJ& steamship companies comes on it will beHh a poor port, on either side, that can'tHih claim its own direct lino.HJr A Skancatelcs woman has fixed ?l,oroHfii as the value in court of a kiss taken fromHi? her by force. In courtship, such urli-fh; cles are considered priceless.HIM This much may be said of the Govern.Hfjf inent's would-be rainmakers: Thoy woreHi i consistent to the end. Their last export.Hj ', ment was no less a failuro than their first.K 'j Most unwelcome is tho reappearance ofH ,; typhus in New York. Hut tho city'sHj Si health aulhoritios aro still on cunrd,K- nsdy to face the foe as sturdily usHEk beforo.H' There wouldn't bo so much need ofHBl more law against green goods if tho poo-HK pie from among whom theso operators'Hfr find their victims would romeiuber whatHK , they read in Iho papers.KJ There is a great deal in Mr.'hHRt terse comment on Mrs. Jease. ' ' Sho'sBk great man, I think," naja the ei.Seim.H tor. Wonder if Mrs. Lease would re-HH turn tho compliment ?HK'V 1'ha Alleutowu (N. J.) bank robbersHJK' captured on Tuesday got ten years eachHHg! on Thursday. It would bo a most excel-Hffi lent thing if justice could bo as suro andHtl prompt evcryvihere and every time.HwwHFi) Pittsburg is evidently getting a dose ofHMk tho medicine tbut certain sensational re.HJ formers wish to inflict on New York. HutHHmbv New York is quite hculthr, thank you,HHVand does not propose to take any suchTHtSHF'' nauseating messes.HS Over in Bordentowu. N. J., they lmoE preacher who, if report has douo himHH justice, needs u lesson in tho proprietiesHHv of his calling and of the prayer-meetingHM tour. The hope that CbrUtlaus uhoHH? attend a social dance may Le pnral7cdHH( for doing so is not one to be becomiuslvHB expressed in public, nor entertained inHBx" private, by a professed mau of thoHHt' Gospel.HBs Austria's people had a new experienceHBW, yesterday. Gold coins, which tliey 1mlHB' hitherto seen chiefly iu museum cubiuets,HHf 1 UTe issued to them us coram -n mo icy ofHHv tho realm. It seems straugo to ofHHj their embarrassuient aud uncertainty InHHn handling tho yellow wealth, J!iu theroHk' re plenty of Americans who can remcni.HHL ber days when gold coint,, mid silver,Hfti,, too, were quite in the Hue of nooltiesjHtj over here.W It is reported (bat a syndicate Is nboutUHv to become the owner und n nuier of nilHl the city railroads in Urooklyn. 'IhejHi names of some prominent capitalists aroHK mentioned In connection with tho allegedfjjBti comblniitiun. An n rule, theso largo aiso.jBVr ciaiions of capital to control auy partiru.IHb;' Jar business are open to er:ous 'uspiciouHHL and objection. l!ut if the propoArd syn.b' i dfeste in Brooklyn follows tho lend of theBroidnay syndicate in New YorkJJu lm.H proving the cars, conuecting differentHHHHPBWBMWBtHiW"'M PI I'Wlines and Issuing transfer tickets, no thata pnsaeneor enn bo carrifd on ull branchroads for a slnglo furo. tho iicoplo will bobenefited. Tho furcs on tho horse-carsaro fixed by ihe charters, and this is apiotectiou to tho public.JAY OOULD'S DEATH.Jat Govin died this morning at hisFifth avenue resldoncc The fatal termination of his Illness was not generallyexpected so soon, and wsi a great shockto his family, all of whom were with himat the Inst moment. Mr. Gould was aman of domestic habits, taking his pleasure In his homo circle, and was a devoted nnd alToctionnto parent. Ho losthis wife, who shared in his love of homolife, sotno timo ago.'I ho stock speculators lme watched Mr.Goiilu'h health with sigilant interest forsoino yrnrs aud It has been generally con-'eluded Hint ills death, whenever it oc-'currcd, would oreato a pallia on thestreet. '1 litre 1ms rc.illy been noground for this supposition of rscoutycats, nmt tho raids on what are calledtho Gould stocks aro merely the work iof jobbers who would aall themselves of ,any cliauru to depress securities. 'Ihodeceased financier was a bold and, iudoed,a desporuto operator, aud thcro hso bocntim'-o when, if he had bocn called suddeulvaway in the midst of his uncompletedijctiemcfl tho market miuht have beenthrown into confusion. Hut ho has forsomo timo held uloof from nctivo operations; ho has Rous who aro cnpftblo of carrylug on his business: thoro is littlo likoli.hood that any of his holdings will bothrown on tho market, and tho ' ' panie "idoa is limply a plot of bear speculation.Tho probability is that tho market willin tho cud benofit by tho absence of amillionaire) whoso buddou and Napoleonicraids on securities mado all legitimatespeculation hazardous.QUABAKTIHE PKI PABAT10SI?.Cholera ii said to havo again mado Itsappoaruueo iu France, 'ihero hao boonfour deaths at Cherbourg, twont Gounovillo, aud other places nro suffering fromthe discaEO. This is a bad outlook, andit is not surprising that it should stir upour authorities to a Ecnso of tho necessity of an effoctlvo quarantine.Tho Congressional Immigration Coinmittoo directed itsattoutiou yesterday tothis subject, and somo of our most cxperioncod phjslciaus, including Drs. LewisHll'IlE, .Iacoui, Janeway, STErUtMSmith and others gavn their views as toquarautino mothods. Hut tho exporicucoof last Summer teaches us that an effi.dent quarautiuo cau bo bettor obtained at tho hands of the Statethan of tho United States authorities,and our preparations to meot tho threatoncd danger cannot begin too soon. AsDr. Jaciiiii nnd others told tho Com.initteo, tho resources at our command IattSummer woro by no means adequate.Though tho cholera was kept nut of thocity, tho dotalnod passengers woro sub.jocted to dangers and sufferings whichought to bo averted in the future.Arraugcmonts havo ftlrondv been madofor tho oroctiou of a vast rocchluc hospital in a woll-soloutod, isolated location, utwhich all contagious diseases will betreated separately. In addition to thiswo need a sufllclent quarantine fleetto attend to tho wants of detainedvessels and to supply them promptlywith water and othor necessaries. Withtheso precautions we shall bo well prepared to moot tho cholera if it shouldvisit us, although it is to bo hopod thnttlio fenr of its outbreak inn) provogroundless.TUB TANAMA OANAL B0ANI1AL,Tho exposure of the Panama Canal corruptions in Franca has not only upset aMinistry but haB played tho mise-hiefwith tho roputation of tho Paris nows.imperii. It appears that tlio patriotic enthusiasm of tho French press over )uLnssrrs'H maguitlcent Rcheuin.and the suvcre attacks on tho rival Amoncju projci t,wore all inspired Py liberal bribes fromtho Company. 'Iho warm approval oftho lottery loan was paid for at an extrarate. Out of oighty-thrco million francs'charged to advertising twenty - tbreo1 millions wcro used to subsidize tho It ailing Paris journals.It is to the credit of tho New York prctsthat no (barge of soiling its columns for abrlbo was oor established against any,roputablo newspaper in tho city. M.HnissoN has abandoned his attempt toform n Ministry. If ho had succeededin getting togother a Cabiuvt it wouldhao been difllcult for him to haiomaintained a successful administration. The Taris prosa will notI forgivo him for his part in bringiugI tho scandal to light, and some news-papers aro already Heoklug to tot PreBiI dent Caiinot against him by accusing himof aspiring to tho Presidency as Caiiioi'stuceeBsor.TIIE ESOLIBH WAY.Homo of our political oflUo- seekerswould be iu an awkward predicament itthe Kugllsh election laws prevailed aud, v.cro enforced on this sido of tho Allantic. Ono Member of Parliament has beenuureated bei luso ho gave a coiiFtltuent acheck to defray tbi) of n plcuiofor his friends and supporters. Anotherlo-es his election bcciusu ho paid lor tliofiuouof party medals dirplajcd by his'adherents.Imsgiiitj tho lmoc that would bo madonnioiig tho excursions, halls and chowderpanics bearing the naiuer of our honoredward bosses, if such n stringent law weroon our own s'nluto loons I'ancj tlioconsternation Unit would sedio upon thouloctiou lnui.gers mid tgg-meii of tho i ity ,if thir AliUunuun' or AsteinMy eaiiill. 'Onto should bo threatened with Iho lossof his o'oction if he scattered dollar billsand drinks among tho free sud iudopeiid- 'ent eleclon of his district.WOMEN MT IN ITA fair writer in tho liultirccro Amrr'ctm 'expresses kiuprifo that Amtricoii women 'do not taku uu actio p'irt In politics and Iplunge into Presidcnti'il cami oigns withtho same headlong energy duplayod bytho most enthusiastic ward workor.Heire'scs with fortunes nt their ov.udiuposal, and widows p'othoric m purse, nro 'ase'oiply iutorc.todm miilo iiiillioiiaiusand monopo'.is's in legislalh.u atftctoi'monnyi.nd property, aud honce, it Is In.s.s'cd, they should as carefully study tho !1 O"" flL'.J1"ilf'J,'j.n!"'ifyyHH1iHaiHffa5!proMsious of McKlnley bills and kindredmeasures and as ciltically oxamiuo thoplatforms of the political parties.I Tho lino of argument would ofcourso maintain tho right of the womento vote ami to hold offlco, and opous thequestion of tho expediency of radicallychanging the position our wives anddaughters havo heretofore occupied inour domestio lives. Many persons maydoubt whether a heated political discus., sion would add to tho comforts of a snughome nook or a factional broil would boa dainty dish to servo up at the familydinner table. Hut asido from theso considerations, is there really any reason Trbywomen should become politicians becausethoy aro rich 1 Tho heiress seeks the lordof her heart. The millionaire widowlooks for a successor to (lie departed. Iftho dear creatures aro ready to trimt theirlives aud happinoss to men, surely thovcau rely on them to pass just laws for thoprotection of their property.And tho Drummer WopTho drummer had Just nDlslied a latliornuro latilo tlsli story, fays tho Detroit Fi en11 ere, hut nobody -aid an) thins tor a minute; then a venerable man ot clerical cutcleared his throat and said:" SpcaUng ot nsb reminds mo ot a caso thatcatno to my knowledge recently. 1 Iho downla southorn Ohio on a river-bottom farm sad1'tc got a well on my place about twcnty-tlvofeet deep and lour feet In diameter, lined withbrick. Last Bummer a year ago I received acouplo ol a now brand ot fish from tho Pithcommission at Washington sod I put themIn my woll." I norcr thought much mcro about themuntil ooo day this pas, mouth my wHa toldmo something was the matter w it U the welland I'd better boo toll. I scut my lurm-lianddown to Intestlgate and ho came buck as fustss the windlass would turn, and teporiedthat eometnlug was ta the well raising HamIllll. Ho couldn't toll what 11 was, but Itlooked moro llko a sea serpent than anrtblDgelse. It didn't scare me at all, and 1 got Intothe bucket myself and went down. Andgontlomon, what do you think I discovered?'.Nobody ouswcicd. Nobody know."Well, I'll tell )ou," continued tlio narrator, " I found tno water only about a lootdeep, and thoso two CsU bad grown so largothat ono ot thrin had rubied his tall oft cleandon n to tho quick and t ho other had n orn idsnooofI up to his ojc'i Just turning aroundand around In that four-toot woll, and there'sno telling how big they would bao been Ittho water hadn't got so low we had to tskoI them out and turn them loosu In ibo rltcr. 'Tlio enorable gentleman ceased talking,and tho drummer, with tears in his ojes, wentoi cr and Bbook hands with him.They Don't Want Their ChocksKlsBed.rrtin Trxa Fittng" t wonder why so many young ladles rutrcuge on their lips," said a bashful suitor toa bright Urooklyn girt"1 thought oierybody knew the reason,"sbo replied, with a blush," Well, l must confess my Ignorance" saidbe."'1 lien you must havo had vcr) littlo ex.perlento."Kxpcrlence In what?" bo asked In astonishment. " Why er er-ln kl-tlng, to bo sure."Drnmatlo Note.From Tixat tUtllnijt 1Mr. Amateur l'lavnrlght burglars broketnto my house last nljht, and stole everything ot value.Mr. candid l'rlend Tiion they must haveoverlooked your plays.Would Do Better.tVnm iht AVt York WtiUy.Prison Nlsslonarj Don't you think thatatter ycu regain your liberty you can dobettor Jburglar Well. I'll know enough not tohavo auother pal that n so darn deal bo can'tbear a p'liccuiau till bo's right ou us.VAGRANT VERSES.Rocollnotlon.How cm It ba that I foriretI lifl way ho ptirnsoit my doom.Wlitn I recti! tU artbeHpiej'I hut earpMod tharoow.How can It be that I forgetills look and mien thai hour.Wlivu 1 rfCHll I uoro a romi.And HUH e an anicll tun aimer THot. cen It ho that I forietI Imp wiirita nald at the last.When 1 rceull tha tune a manWas wblitllns aa hu paaiedTheHf thinra are what wa keep from life'st iiirniiieat lu or alnti or Mii'Mion Io k bur eliaff In htuaAnd tUfuwaaeavihei;ralu.Annt Hut Atitrlrh la Cuintoflltan.Oooreln nt thi Fair.Ain't 0oki a-itoto' to tha (treat W'orld'a FalrAni't Oeorla a'eoln' lo tho loir. SLa aarut n hu irlaturAir ui'iinkln thatlsxiealer'Hum tlio whole ot tho EquatorShe'll bo there IAin't Oconria a-iroln' to tlio vne at W'orld'a FairAin'tUrorKlaa koiu' Iu tbclatrrShv HKOta roloen nuryet -Jrouiahillo brn weuuKttHow a lollcr it like to huir H !Bho II bo thora IAin't flcorcla a-aom' to tha jrroat World's FatrAm'tllrorirlaa-anlu' to tha fair!'lhouh the folks tbi lioller "lKh !"L'laar from Hade to Mcintosh.,;, ahaaioniln' with a aquaali -eba'llba there ! , i cu.) Ctitlt.itin.Phyllli-.Nlfht alia In her hairTwin alftTB are bar oyei,tacht haak laaa tairAs ll) while roso that IleaOu ber broast.Xlerltps hare Iho plowot wino rubj rod.Or I cm lea that blowWith Ihe muilierheailIn unreat.Her baud. 1th whiteAs a irornelof snow.XI aa charms that oelnriit ,And her iilnipltal knowAre utviae.Whal matter borbalr.i rli'rieaut of ijreWl an In si e fa fatrIn tbiarcwou 119abhelanilne..w IVr Trvth.A Woolc'n II, Ultir1 inclose three cents which I have saved fora whole week. I send them to )ouforaomepoor Utile baby's HirM mas tree, and bone totend more soon lirsi v.m:!es, per Tana.BRILLBROS.HRTTERSI'lt.Mti, tiimiit'itt:,HI, A IK HAM). AI.M)Al.n.NKs,lll.Al.Ii ((It IIIKIW.N.bLnues luau!l nil fiuca.BRILL BROS.,JIU.VM tltlTl'lTTKUH,47 CORTLANDT ST.mtiKiiu irWiE' iMMaHHHlTREE CORPS NO. 2 IN.I-It Wa3 Organized by Eight-Year-OldJoBie F. Ismoy,Several Big Checks Received for theFund.Thousands of Ml tie Ones Waitingfor Santa Onus.Letter ronlnlnlns miiner for theClirlatinna-Trrn I'unit r.liuulit he Hi'dreaard Cnatilrr of "The Mew YorkWorld," I'ulllrr ll.illitliiir.All pnreela or pm k.iuea ennintnlnar itonnllouu of Inya, clolMnr. Iionlia, or othernrtlrlra. ahonlil bei nditrenaed lo theltlnnnaer" l.vrnlna World's" CbrlaiumTree, till Flflh itveuiip.The Ainrrlenu, .ntl.,nil, tlnllrd Htntraand Wrutcolt lixpreaa Companies willronvrr nil pn( kiiuca of tHenty.flvcpuiintU e right and under, ailitrraseel aaabove, free of rlinrne.The v vork 1 rnnafrr Vompnny(lloilit's trlxprraa) "III end Tor nnd deliver parkaces free ol rtaarxn on nollflralloo. THE SUBSCRIPTIONS.Tnr rviviKri woRLn f tno eol'rnTlooatjr aoknowledged "0 23KatO. (lnodnln '1' 01)Lilliputian Co no ly Company 'ii 00Chrlitmaa I'roa Oorpa Ko. 2, Joiey Y. Ilamay .... " 001 M. II. Hnaaall I0IllobcrtA VanWyok 6.UDJ. ! 1.IM1 George Jackton 1 00I All Alons 1D1IHank .nil 1'lalna 1 OilMortWier Monday l.OOrtrlltlehuiond 1.00rn Orlrina . 1.U0JmloaodilacU boAllie '0llminy Hart .60I.oaleaand l.lrtla .35Vairloaanl Walter . . .il iI.lttl Alloa Wolf ... 2)Harry Chratoran-lHulh Wllklo .13rrrddio Schneider .10.Joseph II Mcltenr7 .10Reginald 10CarrloLerr UBenny Weiae , .03Hero he IslDeal o d Decomler, with Christmas In bisarms lHow to blm littlo ones.Huillo on blm protty ones tho last and bestot a do7en guests.I jb lr'lj&& aft IC1IRI8TM13 TREE COItrS BAVOK.There's a least aud a funeral ou bis leyscroll, and a carol and a chaat In his tenderold heart. Ho comes ladon with mlstlotoeana holly to deck tho festal board, and hebrings a winding sheet for tho dying year.lie brings bitter-sweet and rosemary that'sfor you and a frlngo of bells to tie In yoursister's curls. And bo carrlej an open book,nlthsllter pages and glittering clasps, to gettho records ot bis merry lleutenauts whomake the music of tho world, lie wants yournaine.aud ) ours, and the history of your gooddeeds. owforltl Wbat's the number otj our Christmas corps ?(Hi o tlio date of jour contribution. Telllion and why jou came to Join tho grandarmy of lnerrj -makers. Mind up anil baywhat ou havo dono to gladden tbohtarts otmen, to inako luughter Infectious and Joycontagious.In tbo mem timo hear what UaroncssKllr.ibciu K. lllanc has to ay." lllcss my heart 1" That's tbo wa sbo be.gan last evening. Mho and a little niece liveon the tip-top of tho .Marlborough Hotel, upwherotho Bparrows nro noisy and friendly.They were having n birthday party, old fashioned and Jolly it was. Ihero were bunchesof flowers and baskois of grapes nnd nuts,nnd tbero wcio raisins tied up with bluo ribbons; thcro was elder and n I In dishfilled with red and brown apples, and thetowas n big white cako with little red candlesplanted all over It, iwenty-tlo In all, andeach ablaze.The little girl's naino Is Itose, aid the can.dies were selected to match Mio bugged abig doll thai bat urls a size smaller and asbado lighter than ber own as sbo Watchedtbo candles with a pair of tiny tmurtcrs.Sometimes she mado a niUtako and snl-ipedon pieces ot Icing, which she swallowed fordolly's sake.They were having an awlully nlco time,when tho cause rt Ohrlslnns com) up, andthen the prettj lia-oncsi lett off carving annpplo nnd exclalmid:"liless my heart I It's a sweet scheme,tbls Cbrlstmas-treo growing. Of course, weeon help a little, I I were rich, so thatI could make a contribution worthy of theobject. Now, let's see. Let's llguro onII. Theie's twenty.tlvo candles," look,tng at tbo cakoj "thtrt's Christuias, Dec. 'JS," looking at the cnlendir on Iktdesk; there's lcc S. tbo date ot ra theatrical debut In Albaii); here's s,eet ltose, abeauty of nvo bummers, and to the it mustle. There's luck- in odd numbers, too. Ican't glvo (K'oand I won't glie S or 15,and It f-''i wduld ai any good, make anychild happy, brkbtcn oven a twig of thoyule tree jou nro neleome to It,"TbenBhegot np, toik i bite of apple, abltoof cake and a sip ot elder and wroto her checktor $'....I "There. Itlsn t much, but u;y let wishesgo with It, and It tbc count II will pay fortrrtlc the aluo ot us face."Cunstmis 1j ef-ei'llnlly tblUreu's da.I The) theiiU own tint tartb aodhaieptury.. thing tl.elr own l.aj. The oil folks pervertthings. 'I hey tbould b..o no claim onCbrlsiinas, l hey nio responsible for Iuln;turned gltt-glvlng into a sordid exchange.Tho only Christmas presents aro thosothat go to ttio little folks j tnvy carry onlylesther-n eight obllgatDnt."Last year the Ilurocess contributed ,i barrelful of candy to tho children Ml) pounds ofsweetness. This year her cnxagements wilttake ber to lunaiia and ireeuther fromatjHttng at tLe H.iby ituth Troe.Another splendid contribution comes fromC. O tha) tic, in tho term of a sable neck-lie.It's a Leautlful Ut o( crimen, with a headand claws at ono end and a tail and claws atthe other. iHow there must bo at least a score of good !nun who want to rnako just such a present Ito tbsir wives. Whoever sends a ehtcK forJJO shall have It unless another man offertoo. Thoro Isn't a better Judge ot furs In(lotham thin Mr. shayne. He not only warrants tho littlo brown beast, but U willing togiro a guarantee with It.Wlio'llbuyf Nbu. Neijon.Chrlatmna-Troo Corps No. 3.Hero Is Chrlstmas.Trco Corps So. g. Itcamo In yesterday and Is composed ot thofollowing ten little soldiers in Santa Claus'sbig army:Josoy F. lamay, David II. Tillman.Kugcne Hall, Oracle ntrpatrkk,Frank J. Coleman, Oeoriro V. 1'nglc,nil tin V. Itclily, James '. Kellly,Wllllo hmith, Uruco Istnay.The tor pi was organized by youug Jnscy F.Isniay, who Is only eight rears oil. Illsfather, Joseph E. ismay, Is a wholesaleJOSIK F. isiev.butcher and produce dealer at 23 Old slip.T no boy whoso portrait Is here given sendstbo following letter explnlnlnghoiv ho organized tho corps:y.. It' Ittlnr,lurloiet find i It the Haliy Ituth ChrlitmaaTreef nnd. After rea Una: In tlvENiNa Woiancfthe orcanlzina of rhritma,.rrt Oorpa ffo. 1. Ittiouatit I woitlil orjanlve a eorpn. and aaccaadedaninnKSt the littlo (lilklreii wuoae papaa do buallieaa Iu Old allp. Yojra, Ac .Jojiv 1 Umax, lght yeara old.Chovollod Bnow for It.Tolhr rttltorThis morning I shoielled tho snowbotorogoing t) school S3 n.i to make a few cents tohelpyou get up a Lhrletmns tree. I am onlytUht vears old and send you Ut cents Mybruthcr hclpiil me, too.MiuniCE and Wai.tkk.And iv Gooa Littlo Dor, ;5oo.T It riHtnrInclosed you will nnd 10 cents from a littloboy, hoping It will make somo thud happy.I Kl HOIK ht'll HIIK,355 West l'orl) -seventh street.Throe Children.Tj filllorrica9S accept the small sum of ID centssent by thrco children rle cents fromHany, flo from Cb-ster and lite centsfrom Iliby Ituth. lUc months old. whom wonamed alter Mrs. ( leveland's baby. HopingIt will do sumo poor child kouio good.llAiiav, cusstrk and lll'TII WttKK,107 Tweutj-socoud street, Drooklyn.Enclosing 20 Cent.ri;r.'orITease find 30 cents enclosed for yourcharitable fund. 11a nv.Little Alios Wolf, of Ch'cnjo.To It . rdtlorInclosed you will find SS cents, a gift fromlittle Allco Wolf, who Is hero on a visit fromcblcago Min bns beard ot tbo ChristmasTree Fund, and would llko to gladden theheart of some littlo ono.For the) Saby Ruth, Tree.fa 1h rHlmr.Inclosed pleaso find 35c. tor the Ilaby RuthTree, hoping It will do somo good.Louisa and Lizzie, Williamsburg.With Mnpflmap'n Rnal Wahaflfe ttriUwInclosed you will find l tor tbo ChrlstmasTrto Fund with best wishes fromJlor.TiMLK Homuv, nine years old,430 Tnlrd avenue, New Ymk.A aood Hurrah Irr riitr-Please accept this dollar which I collectedfor Tub Eissino Wokid's Christmas-TreeFund. I hopo It will mnkn soinu little lad ashappy ns 1 am. Iluriali lor Tin: 1vmmiman. tisoiuih JACkcoN, six years old.They Will Huva Both.r fit tditnr ,Inclosed please P.nd $5 for tbo poor littlechildren nnd tho Baby llulh tree. May theyIn mi a merry CUiIstma3 and happy Newear. M. K. HcssrLi-43 Lexington nunue.Prom Frank and Elaine.Tolhi rtttor tInclosed pleaso find $1 tor the ChristmasTree Fund. 1 rank H.Et INE S.From Comedian Nat Goodwin.r.x. r.titorInclosed please find check for 435 for thaItttln ones' Cbrlstin is Treo. Kindly place It, whero It will do the most good. Very Mnc lol), Nat C. Goodwis'.A Klve-Months.Old Helps.To IKt t tlloriInclosed ple.vo fin 1 so cents. lain a littletK), live months old, and want to help TuttvrMMi Wont ii s enterprise.Tmuv Haht, 1UJ5 Lexington aienue.Wishes It Was 6.TulAi lilllnrIn am going to Inclose 5 cents for the BabyKuth Chrlstmas-Trco Fund. I wish It wn-s5lustead of u cents. ITease send me two tick,els ono for me and one for mj sister. Withbest wishes and wishing you success In yourgood w ork,Carkie Livr, I0T0 Second avenue.Something for Poor Children.To III' tilllorInclosed you will find 10 cents. Will joupleaso buy something for ttio poor children.JOSKI'lt H. .MCllJtN.KV.10 Virginia avenue, Jersey City.Only Biz Months Old.y toe riiltnrInclosed rind 10 cents for the Baby ItuthTree from a littlo boy six months old.ItSUINAIP.Icc'.oslnir tl,mat rjiicrWould that 1 were able to make the Inclosedamount sioo. I know ot no more worthycause than the one ou aro now advocating.I A merry Xmas to the near little outs.New Oki cans.A Statrn Friend.r fe rtfirInclosed please find (I for Tne Worid's' Clirlklinni-1 reo Fund. Full Hlchmoud, a I.i Joaie and Jack.' Inc'.oeid you will nnd 50 cents for thaChiUttuaa-Treo Fund fromllttleJosie ana Jacx.i .fl TRADE MARK. 4 L ,, -' ONLY GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1889.Eaay Fitting Extramnly Durable.Double-Soled Shoes, 4,00 5.00S 199.; to 201 CANAL ST. Ittrjls Nrl5 pyygWrT3"lltret 'Cornered hnlt Shaiet.First rowt commence at point with rchain, throw tbe wool twice over needle, anddraw through tho first stlteh In chain mademaking ono chain between each, repeat Intosame stttth threo time's. Kccond row: Turnwith 4 cbnlti, lluotv wool twlco overneedl",passing necdlo through chain stitch at top offirst row; beforo finishing stitch, throw woolagain twlco over needle, draw through altogether to complete stitch, making l chain between, lucrcase nt each end. Third row:Turn with A chain, throw oer necdlo twlcoss first ruw, nnd draw through between everystitch of second row, repeating second andthird row alternately until cenlie of bhawlhas twcniy-flie rows In nil, stitches on lsstrow whon nnlshcd should be flfty-two.BoRorK Commence nt point with chain,treble and double ttoehet Into samo stttch,repeat i chain again and l tiible In top otfirst row, rej eat Into every row all roundshawl, Increasing nt cot ners. Second row:Throw wool over needle twlco and drawthrough, making 1 chain: throw wool twlcoover necdlo Into chain stitch Just made, andput needle Into centre of chain loop In Instrow, repeat all round shawl, Increasing atcorners. Third row: Same as first. Fourthrow: 3 chain and 1 double crochet Into eachloop all round shawl. Fifth row: l trebleand 1 chain nil round shawl; three last rowsworked exactly as first three rows of torderFrinoe- ITeco of cardboard required sevenInches deep, wind wool over card fourteentimes, cut and knot, making threo drops oneach length ot fringe.A Hollar Dinner for J'aur," In choosing a bill of faro do not use toomuch nitrogenous matter and too little otthe muscle-gtvlng food," Bald Mrs. ltorer, theodltor of Table fall. "Ihao chn,en lentilboup, that Is for trains; stuffed breast ot veal.Jciusalcm aiilchokes, a rlcu and beolsolal,Bwcet potatoes,a dessert, vanilla 60Uflle,wltnsunshine sauce and cotTee. This gives you asimple llttlu dinner for four persons, and udoes not cost quite a dollar either, but I say adollar, forlearyou maj to reckless with thobutter."Moth Don't hike It,I avendcr, loosely stnwn In drawers andpresses. Is a preventive of mot lis. For fans,featheri nnd other small belongings that needpi otectlou the nromatlo (lowers ni o especiallyuseful, since they lend a fragrance as well askcop off the destroyer.Tseiitll boil),Ihe Germans seem to bo the only nationthat truly appreclaio lentils, and they havoexpressed tholr regaid by making them nneducational factor In tho kindergarten exercises ot their little ones, nnd In using them asa staple article nt diet, and L'sau, remarked.Mrs. ltorer, by imj of refreshing tho Biblicalloro of tho audience, sold his birthright for amess of lentil porridgeThe soup requires one-half pint ot lentils,ono quart water, one slice onion, cue bayleaf, ono tublcspoontul butter, one tublcspoonful flour, ber e with small squares oftoasted bread.An Old lattii'a Wav.A happv and vigorous old lady In Newllamrf nlro gives theso rules for the secret oftho succcts of eighty years' living on thisplanet, which brings so much care and worryto many of her sisters: "I never allow mysett to fret o er things I cannot help. 1 takea nap, nnd sometimes two, every day of mylife. I nover take my washing, ironing orbaking eo bed with me, and I try to oil all tbevarious wheels ot a busy lite wltb an Implicitbelief that tbero are a brain and a heart tothis great universe, nnd that I can trustthem both."Muffed Urean of real.For stuffed breast of veal, tno and a halfpounds of eal were used with half a cupotbread crumbs, one tablespoon of choppedparsley and ono tablespoontul of salt. Do notsprinkle wltb salt, but put It In thosldootthe pan. Veal, llko all otber white meats,should be well cooked.J or Iheatrlcul Antircufi't.One ot cur belles who gees to tho thentrooften hasau Interesting souvenir album. Onono ot tho largo pages Is pasted her programme with the names ot the party writtenat the lottum; oppcslie It Is a photograph otone of the performance's stars, tho picturebaMng been mounted. In some caces theactor's autogiaph is appended.It leu and Itret Sain I,To prepare rice and teet aalad Mix onecupot rice with one gocd-slzed.cold boiledbeet, cuorped inc. CarulsU ultli paiole)- IMoisten one tnbleroonlul olcornstatch In alittle cold milk, add to one gill ot hot milk,I stirring until If thhktns. l'ut In oue ouutool butter, ono latlesrconful tarogen vluvgai,yolk ot one egg. W hi n cole! add onchult tea- jspoonful Bait, ono dash pepper, ono teaspoon-1lul onion Juice, ono tnbltspoonful chopped 'parsley. Four out tho salad nud bene.II oi, Tuff ii rr,I Oneot the small an uscmentsof thlsllfois, to watch tne little wans of cultuio which 11.I ado circles and communities irom tluio toi time, toirebody dlscou-is, for Instance, thatto " rny Uslts " and to liau; mnlds " Iu her'employ saunas better thau to iunke calls"or " keep girls," and sbo proceeds to ulr hercew.found good i.trresslcns. Her neighborand companions soon discover tho ehango,land the entire set begins gradually tol oil tbe. morsels ot olegnnt English underIts toogue with evident relish. Evenmore pronoun a cd U the rlpplo which.follows tho plun;n of soma leader Intohitherto unknown waters of rhetoric or syntax. With what nu lutountlon of rlcase-notlcc-how-vcry-coircct-thls-Helo tho mo-alshly proper phrus'S "doht jew," "ivoullbetter," "ecr)" nnd others glide outcf mcutlu that imo nlwaju "donchaw-ed,""lmd-bcttcr-cd," nnd "ever) bod). thoy-ed"with equal gusto!Jem item .titlclttihei.Toprepnio Jerusalem nrtlclAkci!, peel andcut Into Bllces ono pint of aillchokts. Throwlit tolling wnter. cojk owly tor twentyminutes until tender, areln, dust with onotablespnonful flour. nJd one ounce ot butter,one 1,1 tor milk, Lrlng to iho boiling point,add one-halt teaepoontul salt, a clash ol pep.per and son p.crcum sauce may bo scnod with tho artichokes. Slitilr lhl to Xvnr limit.Here are a few good rules given to nervousyoung men who aro Just starting out In thatserious business ot calling upon young ladles.ltlng the bell with your light hand, whichshould always bo ungloved In caso jou nroobliged to shako bauds beforo being unabloto tako tho gloo off, though ihero aro thesowho tbluk gloves m-n be kopt on and removed a, lolsun. Hand ono card to tho servant tor each of the persons you aic callingupon nnd ttato dlutlnctly tno name. Similarly sjido men never i,lo but ono card. If'jou are calling nt a house where a jouuglaOy IIs Mailing another IjJj whom you do notknow j cu should Invnilably havo a card for'tho hostess also. 'Ililslsn tntttur ot couitesy 'to her. In a iaio llko this jou should, It Intho evening. Invnrhibl) near evening dress, 'no matter how well jou know tbjyouuglndythat Is, If jou move In a drcsj-oult clicloand havo one.Whin she lntioduces you to nor hostesssho will bo much bitter pleased It you nroleyond criticism. I.cavojour hat aud overcoat In tho hall, aud alter jou aro usheredInto tlio i arlor oi rcieptlon-ioom It Is woll tobit Inn chair that faces the door, so thatwhen j'oui friend enters j'oii can rise gracefully, tailng her. Upon leavl'ig do not expoet that sho will foil iw you Into tho hall.Invanab!) bay good-night before leaving tnororm And when you have sail good-nightdo not Tand upon tho order of going, but gont once.Origin vf .Siootia.Two mturnl objects teom to havo furnishedthe modeller the spoon to primitive manthe liver or scishcll nnd the leal ot plants.In Southern China uLeil s.-ooni are still usedthnt are Closely reproduced In the famlliwporcelaln spoon of that countrj, while metalspoons are found In India on which are reproduced even tUo veins of the leaves fromwntcb they were copied.Irrrgtitnrlu Draped Curtain.To thoso who tiro ot the regulation form oftying back tbeir window curtains, tho abovosimple and otTectlve modo furnished by thoUpHoltteter will make a pleasing change.iGffi2rThe rich satin Is ot pale pink, with a bordering In silver, old blue und gold. A heavy silkfringe ot tho commingled tones Is added totlioodgo, and avalaneo effect at tho topisproduced by using a wider bordering.Jet ait tile:Women who wish to glvo a long-walstednppenranco to thdr b.dlcs aro wearingpointed lut Jet glidles, with very long frlngoon the lower edge-. T'neso girdles are very'expensive, but It one bus tbo timo a girdlecan bo made at home at a comparativelysmall oost. 'Iho plain Jet clrdlo may bo gotten, and strands oi beads bought and hung Intho proper trlngo lasblon from It. In doingthis bo careful that each string of bonds Isseparate and tne thread securely fastened, sothat If ono should break tho others will not,of necessity, follow Its example.H'fnn lioth llenefaetort' Xante.Johnstone Bennett, tho actress, who haswon reputation In "Jane," owes her rathersingular name to having been adopted Inchildhood first by Mrs. Bennett nud then byMrs Johnstone. Her btasc name shows hergrntltudo to theso friends, the was born atsea, and w as left an orphan when v cry young.'I rue Marriage,A happy wedlock is along falling In love. Iknow jou ug persons, ai j-s Theodoio,think love belongs only to tho Irovvti balrand plump, round, crimson cheek. So It docsfcr Its beglunlng, Just as Mount Washingtonbegins at Boston Bay. But the golden marriage Is a part ot lovo which tho bridal dayknows nothing or. Youth Is tho tassel andsilken flow er of lovo ; age Is tbo full corn, ripeand solid In tho car. Leautlful is tbo morning of lovo wltb Its piophetlc crimson, violet,saffron, purl lo and fcolu, with Its hopes ofdijs lliut are to tome. BcautlM also H thoivenlrg of love, with Its glad remembrancoand Its I atnl'Oiv bldo turned towards heavenat will aacartb.ruiifftfi Souffle,For vanilla souillo heat one-half pint milk,moisten ono lablcopoonful icrnstnrch, twoInble'Spoonfuls tlcur, add to tlio bcaldlngmilk, stir until It thickens, add yolks of fourtggs, ont-quartcr teaspoonlul silt, tnl.o Iromtuu flto, teat whltib ot four eggs to stllTfroth, stlt Into Lot nilxtuic, put luto Bonniecups, stann In n pau of water and bako Inquick oven ntteen minutes, bcrvo with suushine 3.H1CJMnl.h'U CoQee.Ilcn3tcd oofTeo should Lo bought In smallquantities, kept, tUselj uuJ groundjust beforo using. Tlio Unci It Is grcunJ thobetter, and iho darker Iho coffto Is roastedtha more Injurious Its ericas. Boiling corrrotstratts a pouoncus oil ana tun delicious4oma und flavor of the true coffee escapevVltu the tlaciof the steam, Coating upward.a ; .There Is but ono truo and healthful way ofmaking cuffce- tliat Is by percolation. Then fyou havo nu Infusion, not a dococtlon. ITho most Important point In making goc4coffee Is to use tho water at the first boll;after It Is boiled a few minutes It parts withIts gases and becomes Hat and hard, and trillnot make a perfect infusion If you usetho must and most frsgrant berries everexported from Mocha. Havo tho teakettlewashed perfectly clean every morning, fill itwith iresh cold water nud bring It quickly toboiling polut. Havo tho coffee In tho pot,allowing ono heaping tablespoontul of finelyground cotlco lo each cup, pour over It thewater; as soon ns It drnlns through the bigginfill the top ogaln.nndsoon until you have thedeslnd qunntltj. servo Immediately In thasame pot, if possible Tho best coffee Is madefrom n mixture of two-thirds Java and onethird Mocha.Smuiliia Sauce.For sunsulno sauce one tablespoontul corn,starch, moistened In a little cold water, addto one-half pint boiling water, cook one minute, add ouc-half cup sugar, pour while hotover ono well-beaten egg, add one ouncobutter, ono teaspoonful vanilla.Siceet lotatoe,bwcet potatoes can bo classed with rawchestnuts as very Indigestible. They arerich In sugar, while the whlto ones have theBtarclu one way to prepare them Is this:After tho potatoes hnvo been washed andscraped slice and cov er tho bottom of a bakingdljb with ono layer of them. Sprinkle on onetcnspconful of sugar, thou add another layerof potatoes, sugar, and so continue. Addenough water until tho dish Is lilted Justbelow tho upper lnj er. Bake ono hour undercover, thsn lift tho ltd and brown delicately.Jletnctttbcr lhl.All green vegetables growing abovo groundshould le cookid In bait w ater. Thoso grow,lug Iclow ground In fresh n atcr.Ototfth of Hon and Oltlt,The ji f.'sA i.'eauttl HonlMu sajs the yearotgientost growth In boys and girls Is theseventeenth; in girls the fouiteeuth. Whltogliis teach tull lit lght In their Utteonth year,they acquire lull weight at tho ago of twenty.Boj saio stronger than girls from birth totheelcvouth year; then girls becoma physically superior until the seventeonta year,when the tables aro og-iln turned, and remain so.Irom November to April children growvery little and gain no weight: from April toJuly thoy caln In height, but loso In weight,and fioin July to November they Increasegreatly In weight, but not la height.French Toat.Beat two eggs thoroughly and add to themtno cups ot sweet milk and a little salt. Dtpslices ot bread Into this mixture and fry on ahot buttcrod griddle.JJirf They Anne Aol the Hang.Tho various stjlcsof hair dressing underLouis XVI. woro known as the cascade of, tlio wind.nlll, the sheep and lambs,tbehcnandchlcciis, tho dog and hare, tbepeal of bolls, tbo milkmaid, tho bobwlg, thobother, tho kerchief, tho Oriental, the clrcasslan, Minerva's helmet, the crescent, theenigma, the d;slro to please, tho turned-upcalash, tho treasurer of tho age, tho frivolousbather, the rat, tho drunken monkey, and thelover's snnre, the last-named consisting of auujs rf cm Is covered wim powder, particlesof winch, deposited on the coat or shouldersof a gentleman, Indicated the yievlous whereabouts ot the ladj's head.Coeoniiuf fuddlttg.A quarter of a pound of sugar, a quarter ota pound of cocoanut, threo ounces of butter,tho whites of six eggs, half a glass ot winsand biandy mixed, ono teasuoontul ot rosewater. Beat tho butter and sugar smooth,whisk tho oegs and add to It, then stir In thegrated nut and liquor, cov cr your pie plateswith rich crust, fill them vrlth the mixtureand bako In a moderate oven.A fee for Worn Stochlng:cry pretty little jackotB for babies can bemado from tbe legs ot Bilk and woollen stocklngs when tho feet aro worn out. Tbe stitchesthat confine tbo logs are carefully picked out,aud tho legs Joined together down the back oftho Jacket. Tho sleeves are cut from the narrower parts and sewed In. The Jacket Is thenedged around with a scalloped edge otI worsted or knitting Bilk, which Is started bydrawing a single crochet through the edge oftbe material. A cord and tassels made fromthe same Is run through tbe neck.jF'oioifafn of Fire.A burning candle, a common clay pipe andsome pieces ot Unroll comprise tho necessarytools for operating and providing a brilliantscene ot fire without tbo slightest danger.The tinfoil must be cut in strips about onehalf nn Inch wide and these aro held oppositethought. Tho metal becomes Inflamed andfalls Into the shapo ot Incandescent globuleson tho table, rebounding la doing so andtraversing a considerable distance. Somoia! In Tvtimes these glob'iles divide and form a seriesof olliii s which ilauco over tho table as shownIn tho nicompauylug sl.otch. With u goodstroug light nnd plenty ot Unroll a perfectfountain ot burning, dl.semlnatlng globulescan be made.Tlio c.xptilircnt, is without the slightestdanger. Tbo globule), corned by tho oxidewhich Is formed during the process of combustion, leave but a little w into tt ace. wnlchis promptly rubbed off tho oilcloth coverlajrtho table.i